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The application that connects HGV road carriers and shippers!
✓ Free registration with no obligation
✓ No credit card required
✓ Payment on D+7 as soon as the POD is validated
✓ 100% free for carriers
How can I find freight with the Upply Connect mobile application?
Save your search preferences so you don't miss any opportunities
Negotiate directly with shippers, without intermediaries
Simplify your administrative procedures and receive your payment 7 days after transport
They use Upply Connect to grow their transport business
With Upply Connect, I save time and money in my business development. The platform allows me to have new opportunities with new shippers, without advancing any costs.

We prefer working through Upply so that we can operate directly with our customers. In this way, we avoid the vicious circle of cascading subcontractors by working with solid shippers. Upply is the future for building relationships of trust between carriers and their clients.

By joining Upply, we can continue to work more digitally and more quickly with our customer, Intermarché, and we can take advantage of a platform that saves us a lot of time on the commercial development of our business.